Thursday, November 10, 2016

BIRD NEWS:250 & robin facts

The goldfinch was busy munching for a good five minutes and was soon joined by a sparrow on the nearby regular mixed seed holder. But not for long, the sparrow had left before the goldfinch had finished his feast. After finally taking its fill, the finch looked at the other seed holder - flew towards the bottom two feeding holes, failed to find a pole to rest on, so gave up. The sparrows have figured out how to feed from the lower two openings without a pole, but other birds need to use the top two holes to eat.

Above is the scene that greeted me late October while cooking my lunch. A pigeon flew down to munch dropped seed and crumbs of suet ball, while sparrows and starlings made crumbs...

It was the final week in October and I was feeling a little unsettled due to sinus issues. I was baking my lunch and happened to glance out of the kitchen window. This is what I saw...

Something colorful with a red bum, pecking away at the stale bread and cake in the bird feeder. It turned around and I got a better shot - a great spotted woodpecker!!

CLICK HERE to find out all about the UK robin.


  1. Wow. I hope the woodpecker has moved in permanently.

    The yard still looks very lush and green, even at the end of October.

  2. It is mostly evergreen plants, so will be green all year round. The bindweed will die back and a few other plants, but the main shrubs/trees all stay green. Alas, i have not seen the woodpecker since that single sighting....but he knows where the food is if he wants it again!
