Tuesday, April 11, 2017


These shots are of a pair of moorhens who have built a nest near the woodland hide. They were nibbling together and exchanging nest-sitting duties when I wandered past. Just a few steps along the path from the romancing moorhens, I came upon the first duckling I have seen this year, playing about near Mommy mallard.

I did not stop to count them, as there were more birds to watch, coffee to drink, and other things to be done. Pigeons, for example... This pair were amorously wandering about between coo-wooings.

The rest of the gang were at the feeder station across the lake. They were hanging out with jackdaws and ducks. There seem to be quite a flock at the reserve now, which is pleasant for pigeon lovers such as myself.


  1. The fuzzy ducklings are cute. And I always love the little island with the spaceship. :D

  2. lol, the feeding station you mean!!
