Saturday, April 22, 2017


Still plenty of pigeon/dove shots to share! Liz did eventually return with our refreshments, but between sips of delicious black coffee, I had a to take just a few more shots of these adorable birds.

They appeared to congregate upon the roof of the cafe/visitors shop/entrance building - then fly down to eat any crumbs us careless humans might have left behind us. Unlike seagulls, pelicans and ibis birds that would quite possibly come up to you while you are still eating and snatch from your plate or hands, pigeons/doves are far more civilized and wait for humans to finish first, then dive in and scoff the leftovers when you have abandoned your plate - or not used it for a while and left a few dots.

The birds came and went from a hole in the roof - a cross between a pigeon coop and dove cote, so once again - I remain uncertain which species we had with us. We finished our drinks and my friends finished their shared piece of cake. Well, as soon as these clever birds spotted crumbs, not being eaten, not being attended to, and obviously unwanted, on the tray beside ours -

-along they came. Firstly, they sampled the crumbs on a left behind tray the previous table occupants had discarded. They had also had cake, it seems. The crumbs were much enjoyed by these well behaved birds, to the delight of myself and my camera.


  1. Nice close-ups of the cake-loving mystery birds. :D

  2. i would go for saying they are show pigeons....but of course i might be wrong. easy to get close ups when they are close up - right under our noses at the table!!
