Saturday, April 29, 2017

BIRD NEWS:324 & goldcrest info

This pair cleaned up the seat of human dropped edibles, while the table was also being attended to. These birds made very good mini vacuum cleaners - and made so much nicer a noise!

This one landed down beside me on the seat - just in case any crumbs had been left behind by the others....

They even cleaned up the ground below the table...

Back home, and the second full week of April began. The usual crowd were in the back yard, including Pidge - whom you can also see in the picture below if you don't miss him for flowers and weeds. He was pecking for scraps below the bird feeder pole.

Alas, this is the shot I got when taking a photo of the bluetit parent feeding its young thru the nesting box hole. I had to wait a few more days before getting a better shot.

There is some INFO HERE about the goldcrest.


  1. I love how the birds get along so well with humans and share their food.

  2. i like how pigeons are politer than some other birds when pinching left overs!!

  3. Yeah, the seagulls here will gang up on you and try to take the French fries right out of your hands.
