Thursday, March 7, 2019


What is this bird, I wondered as a small brown bird that looked like a sparrow with a funny pattern on its head appeared...

We were able to identify it as a corn bunting. Later on, we also spotted a flash - a reed bunting. These were also new birds for me to sight. Whilst the 'professional' zillion-dollar camera-sporting birders were ticking off birds for their annual bird list, I was adding to my all-time list of birds seen.

These ID charts were helpful, as I did not carry any of my 10 birding books with me. Liz and I spotted a number of birds unusual to our gardens, and although she has better knowledge than I of their identities, my eye sight is better than hers.

On consulting my bird ID/info books back home while sorting my photographs out, I found the corn and reed buntings depicted in such a way that it could have been either in my shots - but the ID board at the reserve confirms that the main sighting was a corn bunting.


  1. Wow, those first two pictures are gigantic. :D

  2. i guess it depends on when i press 'save' or 'publish' as they tend to start huge and diminish in size as they fix themselves into position in the blog..... if i am quick they go big and if i am slow they go small...
