Thursday, March 21, 2019


I took some photos of the eider ducks as I approached my refreshment stop. The male had dived into the feeding cage and was munching away, while a female swam nearby. Soon after taking these photos, it joined the male.

Along swam some other ducks, as the male dived out from the cage and off onto the lake again. There were quite a few of them this trip, unlike the past few trips when they have been fairly scarce. Whether they frequent another patch of lake or the residents are joined my migrants, I am uncertain.

Next I spotted a bunch of smew. The ones with brownish heads are female, the male being black and white headed. Next, a bunch of pigeons enjoyed the feeder station.

Back home, the news is that spring is beginning to show signs in the yard - although activity has once again lessened as the chilly wet winds returned. As I post this blog, the weather has finally settled down - hopefully - to cloudy and cool with sunny intervals and light breezes predicted for the next 2 weeks.


  1. We're showing signs of Spring here, too. There were a lot of birds singing this morning.

  2. thats good - we sometimes have a blackbird who sings outside my bedroom window at 5.30am.....which means if my alarm clock fails, i might still get up at 6!!
