Friday, March 15, 2019


My final shot from Warnham was of a tree creeper - but it has not come out very clearly. Our next trip was to Pulborough Brooks. First up we grabbed coffee and sat watching the bird feeders -

- plenty of blue tits, great tits, and chaffinch, along with a couple of robins, a nuthatch...

One of the first birds we spotted once wandering along the hides and lookouts that was not a waterbird was a male bullfinch - along with two female or juvenile blackbirds. With the help of our noccies, we saw plenty of waterfowl - gosander, shoveler, shelduck, teal, widgeon, coot, moorhen, lapwing, mallard, swan, egret, heron, kestrel...but all too distant to photograph.

Here are a pair of (male/female) shovelers with a widgeon behind. If I show the original picture however, you may agree its hard to spot individuals sans bins.

And again, another field shot that needs a zoom or noccies to identify the birds. This shot shows predominantly widegon, with a coot and pair of shovelers.


  1. It's hard to spot the birds in the wide shots, but those are beautiful misty fields.

  2. thats why i did the close up on the computer - without it its hard to see them - just like with eyes instead of bins.
