Thursday, March 14, 2019


Firstly, a longtailed tit enjoys a seed or two on the ground below the feeders - this was within a short space of time of my sighting yet another new-to-me bird - a brambling. My fourth new bird for the day!

My camera hardly shut off before I spotted a male pheasant striding down the path. Shortly after he went to the rear, another male arrived and one chased the other half-heartedly for the latter ran off on sighting the aggressive one. My next shot depicts a nuthatch leaning down from the bar over the feeders top left, with a robin breaking from its meal bottom right.

This is a flying nuthatch...which landed on the feeder soon afterwards.

The squirrel popped in for a quick snack - whilst being observed by a moorhen.

For something a little different - HERE is the link to a short movie concerning Tibetan sky burials - which would be my personal choice if such an option were available in the UK. It is relevent to a bird blog as it includes vultures....