Friday, May 1, 2015


Curio is a bit of a day dreamer at times, as can be seen in these photos. She gathers up nesting material busily, then sits around doing nothing. At first, I thought she was just checking to make sure no predators spot her nesting site, but she rested a long time before making her move and there did not seem to be any activity other than sparrows and myself.

Above is a shot of the teenage wood pigeon, mentioned in my last post. It is still getting used to me being a 'safe' human, and its sussing-her-out stance is clearly shown in the first of the two shots that I took.

We move on to a shot taken at the end of the third week of April. One of our pigeons is busy munching in the bird table while a starling fusses about in the tree above - waiting - and hoping the best bits are left by the time it gets a chance to have its turn in the cafe d'oiseau.

Pidge is busy eating...eating....eating....and eating, however.


  1. I wonder if Curio is thinking about her missing babies.

    That teenage wood pigeon has quite an attitude. :D

  2. I doubt it - they don't get attached as such, more like they are overly loving nd protective while mothering them - then, byebye - whether to death or shooing them away to prepare for another brood.
