Thursday, May 14, 2015


The youngster pigeon with tameness and curiousness was sitting in the tree early May. It then swooped down onto the sill and began to munch. I took a few shots, but none came out very well - except the last one. It had finished munching seed and decided to take a peek in at me.

The first week of the new month had turned spring from delightful and real spring into rainy and real spring, also turning a tad colder again. Still, much activity was going on in the yard. I was cooking my lunch one day in the first few days of May when I spotted a group of starlings all enjoying the water tub at the same time. Luckily I had my camera in my hands before they left and managed to take some shots of them enjoying the water.

The starlings have been quite active of late, although only two seem to have swooped down for suet pellets as soon as suet and seed appeared on the sill.
Later that evening, the youngster wood pigeon without fear was in the tree again - looking, hopefully at my sill...


  1. Wow, everything has turned really green. I love the shots of the four black starlings hanging out in the bird bath with all the lush green plants around, especially the shots with the pond in the background.

  2. yes, las the pond can not be cleared o algae nd looks sight - each time i tr i scoop up tadpoles - so have to put algae and tadpoles back! maybe next month...

  3. It looks okay. Lots of ponds have green stuff in them. Is the algae harmful?

  4. We dont have fish, so it isnt crucial to be spotless, but it will be if it starts to stink!
