Monday, May 4, 2015


There are another two shots of the birds in Lancing - Bluey not really minding that I had my little pink metal box aimed at him and Naboo wondering if I will ever put the darn thing away. Bluey was all over the cage when I visited - here he is up the top, munching seed. Unlike Naboo, Bluey sits and scoffs for a minute or two, then ignores the seed tray for a long time. Naboo on the other hand runs around munching a seed now and a seed later - with a bit of grape or peanut in between. In the shot below, Naboo has just dropped a piece of grape.

Bluey sat still for a while, offering a chirp, watching me watch him while the TV rolled on with a war-parade. Naboo was astonished at the 2-minutes silence, not quite sure what to make of it - the TV had moving pictures but no noise - & I still had that annoying pink metal box thing.

Of course, once I spotted a wood pigeon sitting on an aeriel outside, I had to take a shot of that too!


  1. Wow, you got a lot of nice, clear shots of Naboo this time.

  2. Yes, sometimes he lets me get a picture or two - other times he head-bobs and darts about non stop.
