Thursday, May 28, 2015


One last shot of the dove greedily letting the pigeon know he was eating in her territory...

...before moving on. The second week of May was drawing to a close and I stood at my open front door enjoying a coffee, when I became aware of a fluttering to my right. Expecting a sparrow, I spotted a great tit munching grubs from the fuchsia and azalea! The following day, while sipping at a jahe wangi at my open front door, a blue tit decided to forage in the pieris tree.

Yesterday evening, I had turned off the computer and changed into my clothes ready for work. I was settling down to read a chapter of a book before leaving, when I spotted someone staring in at me.

It was Bubster-Pidge, the youngest of the year so far. Already more pigeony than the last time sighted, he settled in the tree, pigeon-cooed, and proceeded to preen. I caught him mid-preen in this next shot.

As I read, the pigeon settled down, lazily, meditating along - until a flock of baby starlings landed in the tree with much noise. The young pigeon regarded the young starlings amazed at the screech-rattling going on. This young starling was just as amazed by the huge young pigeon...

But both soon settled down while I finished my chapter before putting out some suet and seed and then disappearing to work.


  1. Nice little dove vs. pigeon face off. :D

    Also great shots of Bubster. He does look pretty grown up. In fact, he looks kind of huge.

  2. That is because wood pigeons ARE 'huge'.... You can tell he is not quite as old as the rest by the shape of the white on his wing and neck and having a fluiffy chest when he is OR is not preening.
