Sunday, May 17, 2015

BIRD NEWS:37 & weeping with sadness

Before diving down the youngster pigeon hung about the branches, watching me as I read/held the camera, ready...

It appears to be quite inquisitive as well as tame. Big brother pigeon, now a teen, has also been hanging about lately, observing me, fascinated. This next shot taken on the first weekend in May.

Of course, pigeons are not the only birds to have been caught on camera recently, although predominating my shots due to their curiosity and their not flying away by the time I grab the camera. Here follows a shot of Mr Black eyeing me from 'the tree'...

...but we are soon back to pigeons. Here is another shot or two of the teenage pigeon, seen around a week before the youngest bubster pigeon.

I have not seen Plate-face or Mr Bob for a long time now, and assume both are busy nesting, rearing young, and able to find much food. Two of the starlings appear to have young, as they scoop a beakful of suet pellets then fly away fast. I spotted a couple of goldfinches briefly again this first week in May, but as before, they were in the tree and out. The doves seem to be hanging around a lot, and I am thinking their latest nest might now be in the laurel behind 'the tree'.

Finally - a link HERE to recent post in a UK newspaper that brought tears to my eyes. HOW can 'us' ladies wear parts of our friends....? I guess it as the same as some of my fellow humans eating my friends, eating their produce, and mistreating them - but... I could not live with myself if I wore my friends.


  1. Are all these real feathers, or just imitations? Hurting or killing animals just for decoration is horrible. This is what poachers do to elephants, killing them for their ivory and other parts of their body. :(

  2. That's pretty horrible in this day and age.
