Saturday, May 2, 2015


Today, I will begin the fourth week of April posts with 2 shots of a sparrow on the rose arch. These were taken whilst I was in the kitchen cooking my lunch. A day or so later, I took a 700-run. This, regular readers may guess, will result in my next 2-3 blog posts being filled with pigeons walking on pebbled and parrots in cages. Well...

...the weather was not too good again. After weeks of sunshine, we had a rainy start to the day. I caught a gull and pigeon flying over the pier at Worthing in one shot, and a solitary gull with a group of pigeons in another. Alas, that was all I took at Worthing.

Lancing offered better bird-photo options and Bluey was happy to pose, as usual. It is also quite usual for Naboo to dunk into the seed tray at the time I take a photo. He could not stay in hiding for ever, and I managed to get him peeping out shortly after - midst chewing a seed and after chewing a seed.

Bluey was doing a lot of wall-climbing as depicted in the above snap. Naboo was soon cheekily head-bobbing blurry photos at me...


  1. Both Bluey and Naboo seemed to be in a sociable mood this visit. :D

  2. They love attention - but Naboo does NOT love my camera!
