Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Continuing the saga of the new next door neighbors - here is what became of the bird table the lady who used to live there had -

- broken and ready to dump, sigh.

Thankfully, our yard offers many bird friendly items - such as the stone bath Mr Black is sipping from here.

& our bird table with daily food allowances for these sparrows to enjoy. I did get a clearer shot a little later - by sneaking closer and waiting til I had an elbow rest AND the wind had gusted out for a moment.

The sparrows went into my tree shortly after - to hunt food on the sill, I had spotted activity in the yard, so just put out a scoop of suet and seed on my sill.

In other yard news, not much has been going on. It is wintry now, with gusting gales as November draws to a close. The birds are more on the look out for food donations, but there are many berries available for when I am busy!


  1. That's a sad sight next door, with everything being torn down. I hope it's not as bad as it seems when they get done.

  2. It is...if they have actually finished.
