Sunday, October 16, 2016


What better way to begin a new blog post than with a pigeon picture - erm... Well maybe if it was not all tail, wing and bum in view! Here we go - the family of black-necked swans in their latest size and color.

I took several shots of these guys - and their duck amigo - before moving on to - guess what - another pigeon! This time one lazing on the grass looking at me - and a show pigeon to boot!

The swans and pigeon were near one another - so I took a few more shots of both before eventually moving along.


  1. That's a pretty pigeon. I like all the swans lounging at the edge of the pond, but I wonder what all those little wooden posts are about.

  2. I think they are to retain the mud/plants on land, rather than letting everything fall into the lakes.
