Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Another shot of the city pigeon, before moving on to another info board. This one details the eider ducks - seen in the past few blog posts both in still shots and a video. The following photo shows live examples of male and female eider.

More eider photos follow, before my latest Arundel excursion ended.

Back home, and I caught a few fuzzy shots of a blackbird taking a drink on the bird bath - alas, none of them came out clearly - but they do look rather interesting, so I decided to share them anyways.

October reached the middle of the month and before taking another excursion I spent a couple of days focused on cleaning and cookery. While cooking, I often looked through the kitchen window and saw a few comical sights at the feeder pole.

One such occasion involved a muddled starling, who sat upon the seed feeder pole but could not bend enough to reach the gap to obtain seeds. The pole is sited close to the feeding hole, enabling smaller birds like tits and sparrows easy access - but alas, our poor starling could not get a thing til he flew to the suet ball feeder instead!


  1. Your city pigeons are exactly like our city pigeons. That first picture could have been taken in Dorchester. :D

  2. same style city pigeons as in Aussie, too!
