Sunday, October 23, 2016


This lil fellow is so cute, whether it is roof pigeon or lake pigeon or both are the same bird!

I just took snap,

after snap,

after snap of him...

But that was not the only pigeon I spotted before leaving Arundel Wetlands Reserve on this trip - I also spotted a city pigeon standing on a fence post nearby.

Back home, and yet again there is a lack of activity in the back yard. Starlings and sparrows are in abundance, but very little else apart from the occasional wood pigeon or Mr Bob has been spotted for 2-3 days as September draws to a close. Mind you, this may be due to the fact I have recently had a sinus infection so not spent as much time standing in the kitchen cooking, hence observing the garden life.


  1. I think that show pigeon likes having his picture taken-- probably all part of being a show pigeon. :D

    I especially like the one where he's just standing there, facing the camera.

  2. lol, maybe that would be a good alterntive to why they were named show pigeons, but...
