Sunday, March 12, 2017


One of the teenage Trumpeter swans came over to glare at me before continuing its grazing, while the parents nibbled away nearby. Another youth was also busy munching food.

Here we have another of the Dusty Duck figurines on display this month at Arundel as explained in my last post - also HERE - this one was created by Joanna Lumley, whom I recall acted in the children's programme Sapphire and Steel that I used to watch decades ago but know more recently as a fellow supporter for Tibetan rights.

Oh look what I found - PIGEONS! City pigeon looks as though he rather likes show pigeon, doesn't he? Below, are a gang of city pigeons with a show pigeon hanging out close by.

Finally, for today's post, a notice...that might explain the gangs of geese spotted when I first began to visit Arundel regularly, last May, when Liz bought me an annual membership for my birthday!


  1. Please do not stare down the geese. :o

    Joanna Lumley was also on the Avengers revival back in the 70s with Patrick MacNee.

  2. I am sure she has done a lot of TV work....but i no longer watch tv, lol
