Saturday, March 18, 2017

BIRD NEWS:304 plus a dove plus a wren

Here is yet another Dusty Duck creation on the side of various live ducks. Next, I was in the woodland hide. Normally, I pass by the external woodland area feeder station first, but today I had to come in the exit and go backwards, as the way I usually enter was blocked off due to rain or wind damage.

Firstly, I caught a blue tit and chaffinch and secondly a pheasant. Another chaffinch was nearby, slightly wary of the huge pheasant, but not so scared as to fly away.

My next shot did not come out well enough for me to tell what it is of - other than a bird at the feeder. It might have been anything - but is probably the chaffinch again. It very quickly flew down, perched, munched 2-3 seeds, and flew away - so I was lucky to get the picture, even if it was a blur in my eyes that I had hoped I might later on identify by the photo.

My final picture to share today is of a moorhen that wandered through...

HERE is an article about a very special dove....reminds me of my show-pigeon, Smokey!


  1. I love Ziggy StarDusty. :D

    I hope there wasn't too much damage in the park.

  2. It was only temporary - mild flooding i think - and just on the boardwalk
