Thursday, March 23, 2017


I then passed another of the Dusty Duck displays - the Hawaiian one - directly after passing a live Hawaiian goose.

Everyone seemed to be preening at the pondside insert just before the cafe - maybe because it was a 'no feed' day, whereas public can usually obtain a handful of duck food to hand feed the birds. I am not sure if it was the weather or the threats of bird flu virus that caused the prevention of hand feeding.

This cafe-side lake area has a large mixture of birds. usually, you can spot a few pigeons, multiple ducks, geese and the occasional swan. It is the best chance of observing the eider ducks.

Mallards are everywhere - so yes, they too inhabit this lake-pond area adjacent to the cafe tables.

Back home, and the news for the final days of February are that the starlings have finally decided to frequent the feeder pole once more after several weeks of limited visitations. Mr Bob has been popping in and out of the shrubbery below the trees behind the laundry line. Mr Black and Curio have been whooshing about the yard. Pidge and the sparrows have been visiting on and off most days, as have the blue tits.


  1. There's a lot of colorful birds there.

    Has anybody moved into the little birdhouse in the backyard yet?

  2. i am not certain - but it looks like a great tit might have....i havent been around much for the past two days to check - but should be hanging round the kitchen tomorrow for an hour ortwo - so should find out then.
