Tuesday, October 1, 2019


I start today where I left off in my last post - with Orange Tag and Silver Tag the Bewick swans at Arundel WWT. Here they are hanging out in peace with a moorhen and bunch of mallards. Why look what I spot - a Lego creation - photographed here with the real thing in the background - the Red-Breasted Goose. This must mean it is August - AKA school holiday season.

This is a mute swan - or regular 'everyday' swan - in one of the lakes viewed by a hide. Next up is more proof its school holiday season with another Lego creation.

I am sure they had installed this owl Lego creation on my last trip - but not put the sign up at that point, as it was not 'quite' time for the Lego exhibit/trail. This next shot depicts an Emperor Goose munching something on the fence...

FAKE! This is NOT Orange Tag or Silver Tag - the real Bewicks! Just another pile of assembled Lego for the pleasure of children or aware of adults, considering the amount of time and blocks required to create these Lego sculptures.

Ahhh, now does anyone recognize this bird? Whatever it is - its a resident of the Arundel WWT and has young.... but any idea WHAT species? (I am leaning towards goldeneye - or Barrows goldeneye, or some such bird - but have not got it ID'd as yet.)


  1. I'm afraid I'm about the last person who could figure out who the mystery birds are.

  2. i didnt spot anything exactly the same on the boards on my saturday trip - but i think they are some form of goldeneye.
