Tuesday, October 1, 2019


There were a lot of sparrows hanging around the feeder pole and originally I assumed that the local tribe had had another burst of offspring. I later learned that a neighbor had chopped their shrubbery, so a mass of sparrows were suddenly homeless and moving into nearby territory - AKA my yard.

This duo of lovelies should inform regular readers of my first August vacation excursion destination - Chichester! Alas, I had expected rain and cloud, so worn a rain coat and no sunnies - so the fact it turned out dry and sunny meant I was not comfortable and did not stay out as long as originally planned. I did not stroll down the canal for instance - but I did sip a Caffe Nero latte (made with oat milk) in Priory Park.

Hence a bunch of photos were taken of the budgies in the aviary. Maybe not as many as usual, but 4-5. My last shot of them did not come out too well.

My next picture is of a robin - and this might have been taken in Chichester - or equally likely in Arundel WWT which was actually my next August excursion with bird photography and the sighting.

The appearance of an Emperor Goose proves we are now at Arundel with my photography. My final shot for today's post is of Orange Tag and Silver Tag their current pair of Bewick swans.

Find out about bird song HERE!


  1. The blue budgies are cool. I love that coloring.

  2. i think they have every color of budgie on show there - greens, greys, whites, blues... yellows...multi...
