Sunday, October 13, 2019


One last shot of the eider on the cafe-side lake before I moved along. I had a half hour or so before the first talk, so trotted along towards the Bewick swans - passing this little character on my way. As usual, it popped out the hedgerow and sung to me...

I arrived at the Bewick's lake - and took a few pictures, along with THIS VIDEO.

I stayed to hang out with my pals Mr Orangetag Bewick and Miss Silvertag Bewick, before wandering along to the first event I had signed up for.

Here you can see Miss S Bewick coming closer to take a look at me - maybe wondering why I had stayed around for 10-15 minutes rather than taken a quick look and rushed along somepond else.

My next brief stop was with the Trumpeter swans...


  1. Another nice video. It's interesting to watch the swans interacting.

  2. yes i was with them for about 20 minutes this trip - trying to get the used to me as they seem the friendliest of the 4 species.
