Saturday, October 12, 2019


One more shot of our bird feeders taken late September...I can count 14 sparrows - if you include the blurrs. And again, early October - where you can see our sparrows lining up for their turn of the seed - or giving up and seeking fat ball instead.

My first excursion of October was to WWT Arundel - but before I arrived, I spotted a trio of pigeons enjoying a feast on the riverbank. The first thing I did was to sign up for some walk/talks at

Autumn Discover Birds weekend

 and then settle down by the cafe-side lake with a cuppa to watch the eiders.

I took a half dozen or so pictures while sipping my hot drink, warming myself as the chills of fall were greeting me this time - definitely back to long sleeve season.

As well as my photographs, I took a video - which you can watch HERE.


  1. Love the splashing swans. :D

    And another picture from the river. What's the name of that river?

  2. the River Arun - it runs from littlehampton where i can walk to its mouth, thru ford, arundel, amberley, out pulborough way and beyond some place.
