Thursday, October 10, 2019


The black necked swan took a short break from preening - but not for long. I left it to make itself beautiful for no-swan and wandered along towards the bus.

Upon my way home, I passed Swanbourne lake - briefly - and spotted a mute swan with cygnets just slouching about near the ice cream kiosk. That was not the end of the swans either - for as I crossed the bridge to the bus stop, I spotted another mute swan with cygnets in the river!

Now we are home - and here are a trio of bluetits eating peanuts on my feeder! There were actually a whole family/flock - they kept nibbling nuts then flying to the tree and swapping places.

The bluetits like the two peanut feeders - one they can munch whole nuts from and take them to the tree to nibble at - whilst the other allows them to peck pieces thru mesh. My last photo shows a sparrow arriving and about to tuck into the seed.


  1. I love that picture of the swans in the river.

  2. yes - they are all over the place...well, the mute swans are.
