Thursday, October 10, 2019


My next excursion was a solo trip to Arundel. I was not feeling well as I had a sinus infection, so began with a slow stroll along the River Arun before my 2 hour stint at the WWT. I saw plenty of cow herds - 3-4 groups in fact - but I also saw a mass of swooping birds. The bright chest of the swallow was absent - and due to their proximity to the sand martin hide lake over the hedge, I assume that that was what they were - sand martins.

I then arrived at the WWT. The Bewicks were watching me - well, one was - Silvertag the female. Later on my trip I was talking to one of the staff about the black necked swans, and he happened to give me a very useful bit of information so that I can now identify which birds at the reserve are male and which are female!

Looking across, you can see a variety of waterfowl. I soon turned back to my friends the Bewicks though. Silvertag and her mate Orangetag were now both busy preening - or were they.