Saturday, October 12, 2019


You may be mistaken in thinking the pigeons were the subject of my photo - well, they were - but..... so were the pair of teenage Nenes! In my next shot, you can see eider as well as gulls and mallards.

Before leaving the reserve and crawling back to the bus stop, exhausted and hopeful of an afternoon nap rather than shopping trip, I popped back to see the Bewicks.

One of them looked at me, but the other was feeding busily sub-surface. That concludes my September visit to Arundel WWT. Back home, and Pidge was standing in the bird bath.

My next excursion was a quickie with Liz to Pulborough Brooks. We were only there for just over an hour, as we had stopped en route for our refreshments and did not enter the reserve - just make a purchase from the shop and then take a ramble round the woodland outside. Of course, I also stopped to grab a piccie of the show pigeons.

Finally for today - here is a late September shot of the bird feeder showing how our number of sparrows have increased lately.


  1. Nice picture of Pidge in the birdbath. I don't think there's been a picture of the birdbath for a long time.

  2. i tried to get one with 4 bluetits all in at once a few weeks ago - but the last one was leaving by the time i got back to the window with my camera!
