Monday, October 7, 2019


Let's start off today with a Nene - well, a Lego Nene at any rate - and a bunch of pigeons, munching. Oh, there is a pretty one!

Oh look - I found even more pigeons! I think most readers will have figured out that I rather like pigeons....

Lots of birds there - pigeons, Nenes, Canada geese... To finish today's post, here are a couple of shots of the black-necked swan. Alas, still solo - it swims restlessly about calling for a mate that is not there - or preening.

Back home, and sparrows are in high number, along with blue tits and great tits on the feeders.


  1. I feel bad for the poor swan, thinking that his mate will come home.

  2. It didn't last much longer - i think they were both around the same age.... not sure how old exactly, but they were grandparents at if swans wait 3-5 years before mating that'd make them 8+ years of age....
