Thursday, December 12, 2019


This is the answer - the last shot on my previous post was of baby harlequin ducks. Here they are again.

Next, I wandered past the open air woodland feeder station - where you can see a variety of smaller birds, also sometimes larger ones such as wood pigeons or woodpeckers. Always you can find a great tit and blue tit, and often a coal tit. I took a shot of the chaffinch I spotted on the ground below.

This robin has learnt how to feed from the feeder - like one of ours at home, they are generally ground feeders but do sometimes learn new skills. Next up the coal tit was at the feeder, replacing the robin who only stayed for a few seeds.

I tried to get a better shot and got a worse one! Finally for today, the trumpeter swans were preening as I walked past between reflexology session and lunch.


  1. I think the better shot is better-- less blurry and a better angle.

    And, of course, I was wrong about the Harlequin Ducks. :D
