Thursday, December 19, 2019


Here is the info board that advertises why the lake is now a pile of mud and machinery, with no eiders! Next up, 2 more infoboards depicting birds still in situ.

The final infoboard for this visit depicts yet another seasonal fact - relative to turtle doves.

Back to some real life birds now - and what better subject for my lil pink camera than pigeons!

My last pigeon shot for today was taken just after re-casing my camera and preparing to move along - on my second circuit of the WWT at Arundel. A pigeon stood on the fence and looked at me as if to say 'why not take my picture too!'  I just had to - he was so cute.

Going past the blacknecked swans again - here is the female preening busily. Finally, a little something about our local WWT reserve -HERE.


  1. That's cool about the new aviary and lake, and the new species of birds, but too bad that the eiders have to be transferred. Is Slimbridge a place you can visit?

  2. no, its too far to get to...i man only go to wwt at arundel by public transport.
