Wednesday, December 25, 2019


A second shot of the female blacknecked swan brings us to the next post. I am still on my second circuit of WWT Arundel on the first weekend in December - prior to enjoying Christmas festivities in the town.

I was observing blue tits, great tits, and a coal or marsh tit - trying to decide which of the two it was - when WHOOSH!!!!!

What I think must be a sparrowhawk shot down and all the small birds scurried for cover. At first I thought it was a wood pigeon coming in to join the feeding - but then, as the birds stayed absent, I realized it might be a bird of prey and took a couple of photos. Both trumpeter swans were in my second round of pictures.

Back to the Bewicks next, as I almost ended my second reverse direction lap of the reserve. My visit was then finished and after lunch I strolled back into Arundel town.

Most years, I attend the Christmas festivities in Arundel. They have stalls, carol singers, lights, live music, mulled wine, hot roast chestnuts, and many of the tiny shops open. I don't bother with most of the shops for purchasing, but some of them appear to be worth looking at when done up for Christmas. Though you wont find as much modern commercial nonsense as your city department's more quaint, olde worlde, oddities here.

My last photo from this trip is of statue birds - not real ones - taken at one of these little shops in the side streets. Finally for today, a shot of one of our bluetits on the feeder at home. They, along with the great tit, are still regular and are getting thru more peanuts than the other birds are seed.


  1. The Christmas festivities at Arundel sound relaxing and enjoyable.

  2. yes, be better if the buses ran later or L went too though. i like to spend acouple hours wandering the streets on arunde christmas festival day - mulled wine, hot chetnuts, carol start it all with a WWT trip
