Sunday, December 15, 2019


The Bewick duo popped their heads up eventually, but were so busy feeding that they just took a quick look at me and went on back to their meal. Some pretty pigeons paraded upon a nearby shed roof.

I wandered along to the trumpeter swan enclosure. One of them was on view - the other hiding behind the reeds. Next up, a bit of information about Christmas carols -

I had not taken a picture of the magpie geese for a while, so did so. I was then upon the blacknecked swans - yes, swans again!

Canada geese and African shelducks are in my next shot.

My last shot for today's post shows a collection of pigeons that were hanging out the new area for handfeeding the birds. The cafe-side lake where they had eider, whistling ducks, pigeons, mallards, Aussie woodducks, etc is no longer in situ, and that is where they used to have a hand-feed area where you could buy a pile of grain for a few pence to feed the birds. This exhibit has now shut and is being drained - in preparation for a brand new aviary etc exhibition. I will miss the eiders and Aussie woodducks, but....


  1. I wonder what the purpose is of those pallets where the Magpie Geese are hanging out.

  2. not sure - maybe its to give dry ground - or where they put nesting boxes in spring....have to see...
