Saturday, December 14, 2019


Starting today's post, here is another shot of the Trumpeter swans preening. Then it was back to the Bewicks.

I took a snap of this Canada Goose on my way towards the cafe for lunch. After dining, I did one more circuit before departing. I found an American wood duck to photograph.

Ending today's post - here are the black necked swans again.

Back home and we have cat trouble - not only are there two selfish adamant black cats parading about my back yard whenever I don't shoo them out, but now a white cat has joined in, sigh.


  1. I found an article that said orange and lemon peels can discourage cats from coming in. Have you ever tried that?

  2. i would need to eat a years worth to get enough peel - but i havent tried it - is it all citrus? i eat a lot of clementines....

  3. Apparently it is all citrus. I just found another article that said you can make a spray solution from mixing water and orange juice that will keep them away.

  4. thanks. it is worth a try.....especially after two pigeon murders in one week...
