Friday, December 9, 2016


Answer - a kingfisher! Yes, I have not taken a shot of a kingfisher before. This was in fact my first sighting in Arundel, despite several people having mentioned a few kingfishers being in situ. Akin to the peregrine falcon, it is not 'always' performing.

I had actually spotted one thru the telescope of a warden a few minutes earlier, when they had focused in on it for visitors to observe. When mentioning it was in front of the next hide along - I did not spend long before going to said hide, with the above photos being the result.

Next up - as usual - the trumpeter swan family. I wonder why many of the swans are standing on one leg on this visit - first the Bewick's swans and now the trumpeters? Regular readers will have seen these juveniles grow from nest egg to current stage. In just the two weeks since my last visit, you can see that the coloring has begun to change on the youngsters.

The younger swans have now lost much of their gray coloring and become almost pure white as their parents are. Now, it would hardly be my bird blog if a couple of shots of THESE guys did not surface regularly - here are those city and show pigeons that my camera cannot resist.


  1. Ah, a Kingfisher. That's a beautiful shade of blue. It looked black against the tree.

    Maybe the swans stand on one foot because their feet are cold. It looks pretty chilly. :D

  2. yes they are among the few brightly colored english birds - i miss the bright colors of Aussie birds at times. could be....but....
