Friday, December 23, 2016


The answer to the question in my last blog is more statues! Here we see a peacock at the next shop-house-studio I paused outside of. There were also a pair of birds on a bird bath rim and an iron peacock at the same location - and more...

Ah, doves and pigeons generally feature heavily in my blog posts and here are a pair! I took two more shots at this location - one of another iron peacock and one of another dove/show pigeon.

That might be rather a lot of bird statues and my next photograph is not of a bird statue - but neither is it a real live bird. I wonder if anyone can guess what it is likely to be?

While I leave you guessing, I will post an early December update from the yards at home. The blackbirds have been munching the yellow berries on the shrub posted a few blog posts ago while the magpies have been resting in the dead trees at the end of the back yard. The sparrows and starlings have not visited as much as usual lately, but Beatie the blue tit has been pinching peanuts from the feeder quite regularly this first week of the month.

In the front yard, Mr Bob has been active along with a few sparrows - but not much activity is going on. Across on the corner I have recently begun to spot a collection of city pigeons, though - and this is pleasant for me. Its lovely to hear their familiar coos - that once filled my former back yard every single day.


  1. That's quite a statue of a peacock. :D

    Let's see, if your next picture is not of a real live bird or a statue of a bird, I will guess that it is of a painting of a bird.
