Thursday, December 15, 2016

BIRD NEWS:268 & great tits

There is your answer - YES - it WAS a juvenile pheasant. Sighted today therefore, one male, one female, and one juvenile! All in the same area within five minutes.

Well, with kingfishers and juvenile pheasants new to my sighting, would there be anything else new on this venture? One last shot of the youngster before I disappear into other birds - the black necked swans for example.

I managed to get a good close up shot of the swans this trip - the only swans I saw today where at least one bird was not standing on just one leg!!!!

Before continuing with the last selection of pictures from my trip, a quick update on the back yard. Very little food was consumed over the weekend primarily due to stormy weather and magpie presence I assume, though I myself was not around much to witness the cause. It might have been a cat or sparrowhawk.

To end today's post - HERE is some great tit info. 


  1. Oops, I guess the mammal head was an optical illusion. :D

    Those black-necked swans are beautiful.

  2. i like the trumpeter swans best - but they have so many different types at the reserve - at least 4.
