Sunday, December 18, 2016


Before my next excursion, here are some early December pictures taken at home in the back yard. Firstly, Mr Black takes a bath and drink in the water.

Next, some sparrows enjoy the bird feeder pole. A wood pigeon strolls the new dug over area of back yard near the fence - where I have replanted some roses and a fushcia along with other hedge-like plants with the aim of creating a 3-4 foot high hedge with odds and ends sticking out of it.

Wood pigeons like the tree outside my bedroom window too. Normally, I like seeing them resting in peace on the tree - but this day I was hoping to wash the window and floor ready to redecorate my room - I had to wait.

A wood pigeon staring in as it strolls along the fence top is nothing new since the new fence was erected next door. Finally for today, here is the berry bush outside the kitchen window. It has been busy in earkly december - with blue tits hunting for grubs and blackbirds devouring the berries.


  1. That is one chubby pigeon on the new fence. :D

    Nice picture of the berry bush.

  2. hee hee - maybe its been hanging around munching muchly.
