Friday, July 15, 2016


Here are some more shots taken shortly after the ones in my last post. Once again, I did not intend to take too many photos, but...

Well, here is a long-tailed duck - or two!

Taking a quick break from the Arundel trip photos, here are two shots taken mid-June (the time of writing these posts) on the feeder pole. What you might notice is that there is much activity from young starlings. Something else you may or may not note is that one seems preoccupied upon the peanut feeder.

I was fascinated whilst cooking my rhubarb/strawverry/goosberry crumble this afternoon - watching it. It bit at some nuts, dropping most, swallowed one, and seemed to wonder why it could not just grab them THROUGH the clear plastic!


  1. Birds seem to have a hard time understanding the concept of transparency. That's why they fly into windows.

  2. magpies learn about glass when they look at themselves in it... or they did in Aussie, not sure about the british varieities they're not exactly the same type.

  3. Just the other day, I was reading in the front room-- which has picture windows-- and a bird flew into the window twice.

  4. starling? starlings dont get glass very easily....
