Saturday, July 30, 2016


At the end of my last post, I informed regular readers that I had gone back to the Wetlands reserve at Arundel. It was around two weeks since my last trip, a week after my first for the year - and expected multiple more due to now having an annual pass ticket.

Among the familiar faces, I was greeted by a few families of strolling geese with young - some species of which hang in adult-led gangs rather than hanging out with only their parents. Swans were also common on my former trips, and this trip also abounded in several species of swan.

As on my second trip, my actual plan was not to take very many pictures. Alas, again I failed. I kept seeing new species, interesting colorings, activity, or new stages of life to capture and share. Above a baby black-headed gull is reunited with its parent after a solo swim. Below, another youngster with parents over the far side of the lake.

Well look who I found strolling along the path - Mr Pheasant! Despite my first 3-4 years back in England annoying me by not being able to take photos of these birds, this past year has given me multiple opportunities. There is a tame one here at Arundel, a tamish one in the golf course walk thru and a tamish one in the PYO fields!


  1. That's an amazing picture of the pheasant. In fact, all of these pictures are great. I really like the one of all the birds along the fence.

  2. yes, the annual membership is certainly giving me plenty of hpoto opps!
