Sunday, July 24, 2016


One last shot of the coot family before I left the cafe break and went around a second time, this time inclusive of a boat trip. I stopped off at the herb house to check on the swallows, seeing as I had failed to spot any in the other two nesting spots this week. These were the ones I got the best shots of on my last trip. This time, I only saw one of the birds - standing on the roof corner of the herb hut.

Next, I trotted round to the woodland hide again to capture some more finch shots to share.

This fellow would not give me a decent picture, as it would not stay still long enough for the camera focus to take effect, but did make an interesting collection, before staring and leaving.


  1. That's an interesting picture of the swallow. What's the herb house? It looks like he's sitting on a big net.

  2. Did you say you took a boat trip?

  3. the herb house is a hut where they showcase basic info on a few wildflowers used as herbal remedies etc - a thatched hut sort of thing with dried flowers and info boards. (I went there today actually to research a garden weed) yes they have a short boat ride in the reeds where a guide talks about nature and you can learn a lot!

  4. Nice. Did you get pictures of the boat ride?

  5. no i was too absorbed by the ride....but i will sometime, when i go again!
