Saturday, July 16, 2016


Back to my Arundel photos - and here I suceeded in capturing the swan and its information board both in the same photo! Regular readers may recall this as one of 2-3 nesting swans having photos taken on the previous weeks trip. You may also recall this swan - also taken in conjunction with its info board. The board did not come out well, so I took a second shot.

Next up, remember the baby seagulls in the island and reed area? Well here they are a week later...

There were still youngsters there, near the waters edge on the isles, but they were not in view as much as they were on the week before. Down below in the reeds under the hide they were easy to capture on camera, however.


  1. That's interesting how they are flightless for six weeks while they grow new feathers. I wonder if they freak out because they can't fly anymore or if they understand what's happening.

  2. Maybe they don't like being naked. :D

  3. well....they have colorless feathers, just not colorful - os it'd really be like wearing your drab n drearies daggy gear instead of your toof-up theyre more vain!
