Thursday, June 2, 2016


One last shot of the doves on the bird feeding poles in late April before I move on to May 2016. On the first Sunday, I took a walk over our local hill and a new track - to me - down towards the highway, aiming at the garden center to use a free-coffee voucher and buy some peanuts for the birds. I had hoped to get some pictures of the skylarks or other birds on the hill, but did not go right to the top, taking the side turning instead. I did manage a couple of photos, but they were not good ones.

You might need to view the close up to even spot a bird...

This shot does not show up in close up, but there were 3 birds I aimed at... Taking the track down to the highway, I did manage one good shot - of pigeons, however! There were a trio perched on a telegraph pole near the stables/nurseries...

My final picture from this short and local trip was taken on my way home. I was striding along the highway with my bag of peanuts for the birds - and a chili plant for myself - and spotted a beautiful feather shaped cloud. By the time I had turned off from the highway into the PYO fields and was able to get my camera out around 5 minutes later, the cloud had lost its form a little - but I think you can see from the following picture that it was somewhat in the shape of a feather, despite the quill piece fluffing out and the feather bit rising and spreading out.


  1. I love both of those pictures with the wispy clouds.

  2. Yes, I do take non-bird photos sometimes, lol!
