Friday, June 3, 2016


Let us start my May photographs with this cute shot of Ditty and partner snuggling up on the tree outside my window...and then one or two of their feed munching on the sill, rather than flying away, when I put a scoop of seed/suet outside. Once they had snuggled, eaten, and rested, they meditated.

The next day, they flew direct to the sill and gave me that 'well...where is my meal?' look...

My window sill has been visited by other birds too, of course. Here are a couple of shots of Curio munching the same meal, albeit different items from the scoop. Additionally, sparrows, starlings, and Mr Black are quite frequent munchers at this time of year - along with the odd hungry blue-tit.

May has been pleasant in comparison to April - so far at least, as we reach the close of the first full week while I type up my blogs. Today for example, was the first day of 2016 that i have been able to wear just a t-shirt - no sleeves!


  1. That's a great picture of Ditty and friend snuggling. So they don't fly away when you open the window to put out their food? That's great. :)

  2. Nope, I finally have tame birds again - not a one off.
    In fact, Ditty has learned that if I catch sight of her in the tree looking at me and say 'seed Ditty' it is safe to wait because i will walk past, open the window and put a tub of seed on the sill harmlessly!

  3. agreed....except I havent seen Ditty for a few days now....
