Friday, May 6, 2016


I am still sharing pictures of my Saturday excursion from the second weekend in April - and here is one last shot of the 'big black birds' before I revert to pigeons!

I then left the beach and park and headed up the shopping mall road - but guess what I found as well as stores to shop in? Yep - pigeons on the pavement!

I thought them so cute and the whitish one such a cool coloring - so I had to take a few shots before moving on and completing my shopping part of the overly birdfull shopping excursion...with the pair of pigeons walking to the road corner ahead of me.

But they seem to have turned around and gone back the way I had come from - so I had to farewell the pair of order to get some shopping done - after one last shot of the cutely-colored one.


  1. The white one has interesting markings on its back, too.

    I love those beach pictures, especially with the rocks and the old pier posts.

  2. i might enjoy the beach more myself if it had golden sands....sigh.
