Sunday, May 29, 2016


This is the final photograph taken in my unsuccessful attempts to capture a goldfinch. The goldfinches may have escaped before the camera went click, but this last shot turned out really well, I think. It shows a blue-tit and sparrow on the top of the tree tops at the end of our garden.

The next day was the first of a 10-day vacation for me, although I still took an elderly friend for a walk most days and did 2 private cleaning jobs for friends. I took off on a 700-run. I did not decide until 20 minutes before leaving that I would go - so it was not planned. My first stop was Shoreham, where I hopped off to explore the French markets, have a coffee, and buy bras.

While I did not spot the toilet-road pigeon gang this trip, I did spot the seagull at the church. My next stop was Brighton, where I bought new Reeboks and Indian groceries - and took a few pictures from the top storey of a double decker bus - such as this distant seagull...

...and this seagull on a lampost (top left hand of shot). As I approached Shoreham on the return trip, I got a few more shots in - alas, no really good ones - such as this seagull flying through the skies and the second shot of a seagull on a rooftop as we approached the town.


  1. Those are some nice shots of the city, especially with the big sky in the background, but I really love the seagull on the ancient stone wall.

  2. I know you are a sucker for old
