Saturday, May 28, 2016


Here is Pidge below the feeders and another shot of Ditty with partner on top of the feeders - where they have hung out three days in a row for around 10-20 minutes. In fact, I took several photos of our resident doves.

Recently, I planted a chili seedling in a ginger wine bottle to put on my bedroom windowsill. This is the reaction Pidge gave to the new decor...

We have now reached the last week of April 2016 - in my photos, if not posts. Updating everybody that regularly tunes in, Beatie and partner have indeed moved into the new nest box and been quite active for a few days - then not so active for 2-3 days, but are once more highly active this morning. I assume the brief interlude may be due to 1-2 eggs hatching while the others were still eggs, as only one adult seemed to leave the nest and only every 10-15 minutes return to the box.


  1. I'm glad Beatie and friend are using that birdhouse.

    And I love Pidge checking out the wine bottle. :D

    I also love that shot of the backyard. The next yard over still looks very bare, but it's still a nice shot with the trees and blue sky in the background and the silhouetted birds in the foreground.

  2. well it looks a little less bare now... they have installed a lot of plants, but they have not yet grown large.

  3. I wonder if they'll put up a birdhouse.

  4. looks like they have one on the back of their shed.... :)
