Saturday, May 28, 2016


Here we are on the final week of April, with a shot of Pidge and Mr Black enjoying the grassy area below the feeders - and all the crumbs dropped there by sparrows and starlings. Pidge looks cute among the forget-me-nots, doesn't he?

Mr Black actually looks at the camera and I accidentally manage to capture a sparrow taking a drink. You can now see more blue flowers - bluebells - the yard is full of spring color right now.

This next shot is rather strange and therefore amuses me. That is NOT a flying banana peel near the top, I swear! It is actually a goldfinch that escaped before my camera went click! Below it, there was a starling doing likewise...

This lil lass might be familiar to long term readers - Curio! She flew onto the sill with 2 starlings and a sparrow to scoop up suet and seed more or less as soon as they had been put on the sill, this morning.

This tail belongs to a sparrow...the shot was actually supposed to be another goldfinch, but yet again it flew away too quickly. Three times this morning the goldfinches have investigated the yard and feeder. I am hoping this may mean they have found an alternative to the large fir/pine tree that got cut down next door and a new nesting site - or at least will continue to visit for food and water.


  1. Pidge does look very cute in the grass and the yard looks very green. And I always like shots of the birdbath. Those goldfinches are very fast-- there's always a bunch in my Mother's yard and they never sit still.

  2. i wonder if they are the same as our goldfinches?

  3. I don't know. I've never gotten a good picture because they're so fast.

  4. yellow stripe on wing and sort of red/white helmet on head...
